Tuesday, February 24, 2015


The Giver 
Lois Lowry

    I just started reading the book of "The Giver" and I feel like it is easy to comprehend. Jonas is living a "perfect society" everything is well organized. From what I can tell from the start of the story is that there are many rules in this Society. Jonas explains how his Society works, and that it goes by your age, each age brings something new you do or get. Twelve is the most important because that it when you get your Assignment which is a job that you will do until you enter the House of the Old. Jonas is Eleven, and is very apprehensive about how it will go as he said in the book. Jonas questions a lot on what he will be assigned, he feels that nothing really fits him. He very thrilled but fearful of the Ceremony in December of his Assignment but his parents reassure him repeatedly that everything will go good.
   In my opinion I feel that Jonas's character is very reflective. The reason why I believe this is because of the way he thinks so much of his future Assignment as well as things he has done before.  Some times he is thinking of the minor rules they have, and how he does not like to make them. For example in the text it said, "Everyone had known, he remembered with humiliation, that the announcement ATTENTION. THIS IS A REMINDER TO MALE ELEVENS THAT OBJECTS ARE NOT TO BE REMOVED FROM THE RECREATION AREA AND THAT SNACKS ARE TO BE EATEN, NOT HOARDED had been specifically directed at him" "No one had mentioned it, not even his parents because the public announcement had been sufficient to produce the appropriate remorse. In that paragraph it showed how he was reflecting on minor infraction he had made where he learned not to do it again because of the embarrassment. Jonas also reflects on mistakes people have done, and stories he has heard. I think Jonas does this because he wants to look his best for the Chief Elder, and he does not want chastisement.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Frida Kahlo
Hedda Garza

    I started to read the book “Frida Kahlo”, this book is a biography of a women who was a hispanic artist. In the book it says when she was younger she was a rebellious tomboy people would judge her, but she didn’t care. By this I can tell that Frida Kahlo views the world differently and had a more of a carefree persona. It then goes on  to the tragic  accident when Frida and her boyfriend Alejandro Gomez Arias were going to take a bus ride to Coyoacán. On September 17, 1925 the bus they were riding got hit by a trolley this accident almost cost her, her life with many injuries that would prolonge throughout her life. Freida began sketching after her accident not being able to pursue as a doctor/nurse anymore she began to take refuge in painting. She then went to Diego Rivera a famous painter, later to be her husband too see if she were a good painter, he said “that indeed she is a good artist.” In the book it showed a few of her paintings which are so unique and creative.
    The book “Frida Kahlo” is a biography of her life and achievements, but it does show a lot more of her personal life then other biography's usually do. What I like about this genre is that you know it’s real, that these events actually happen, and that these people, but for this book Frida overcame many obstacles of her career/life. I really usually don’t read biography’s so it is different for me when I do because it’s very complex in the writing, but I still like to read it. There’s nothing that I don’t really like about reading in biographies. I will definitely read books with this genre because I learn more and I can relate with the person’s at times, and I feel like it expands my knowledge. What I really like about this is book is Frida, and how she was very strong emotionally and could express herself deeply in her paintings so well like her painting of "The Two Fridas". In "The Two Fridas" you can clearly see how she feels about herself the two persons she is. Frida Kahlo is very inspirational, and I feel that she was a pretty amazing person.

Monday, February 9, 2015


by Ally Condie

   While reading my book I have taken notice on how serious the mutation has gotten and the desperation for a cure. The Pilot had a reason to be taking Cassia, Ky, and Xander together he suspects them of doing something and that they may be Society sympathizers, or work with someone completely different. The Pilot is desperate and questions them thoroughly telling them since they have been apart of the Rising major things have happened like poisoned lakes, mystery codes, and the Gallery where people shared things they made, like poems. They are all being sent to the Endstone Villages to contribute more for the Rising. Xander will be working on the cure along side Oker who is ninety and found the cure for Alzheimer’s. Once they made it to this village a bit after Ky fell still because he was not immune to the mutation. Cassia’s visits Ky every day when she’s on break from sorting. Ky can listen to them, but they do not know this. The people in Endstone are doing jus a bit more better then the people in the Society because Oker made a better supplement that they are know distributing in Society, but they are all still looking for a cure.
    Oker is a new character in the book Reached. Oker seems to be wiser at ninety years old the oldest person alive, he found the cure for Alzheimer’s, and has created a better dripping for those that are still. Not only that but he brings something important to Xander. In the book Oker told Xander this, “They’re no rebellion. They’re Society, with a different name, and they just want you and your followers.” This clearly shows that Oker is thinking differently, showing that he understands more and views the Rising differently then others would. He is explaining how the Rising is just taking over like Society did, it is no different they all want followers, and power. Xander then questions the Rising and the lies that they have given them.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


by Allie Condie

   In my book Reached it has gotten to very intense parts. The Plague has mutated and people have been becoming still but much worse this time. Xander has figured out if people have a mark near their back they are immune to the new mutated virus. The reason why these people are immune is because when they got the Plague the Cure got it at it's weakest stage and it now knows how to react to the Plague. Cassia has been trying to make trades with people so she could trade back with the Archivist to communicate with her family. Then as Cassia realizes that the Archivists have left the museum because of the mutated virus, as she searched the museum she found the Head of the Archivists. The Head of The Archivist had a trip to Camas to see Ky and then as the Head of the Archivist told her she knew that she was the one who took her poems to pay this trip. As Cassia was going to the Gallery she saw as the removed the large walls, and Indie appeared quickly telling her she made it just in time. Indie flew her over, Xander going along. Cassia will finally see Ky.
   The conflict slowly begins to be revealing itself as the story meets more problems like the mutation. Xander has been working overtime of his shifts just to examine all his patients. Indie gets both Xander and Cassia over from Central taking them to The Risings "headquarters". They have found out of the Otherlands and that the Pilot use to take Anomalies and Aberrations to these places. Now they want to get here. But will the Pilot actually take them? Or is it just a trick? I wonder if Cassia, and Xander will bring their family. Will Indie confess to Cassia that she kissed Ky? Their are many conflict's going on in the story but by far going to the Otherlands is a major one.