No Pretty Pictures
Anita Lobel
Well, Anita has been rescued from the concentration camp and taken to a sanatorium as they found out they have tuberculosis. Anita and her brother both have tuberculosis and in the sanatorium are separated by gender so they are not together but in the same building. Anita is at first teased for her hair being shaved since it was required in her concentration camp, she can barely speak Swedish and understand it, she feels isolated from the other girls. Soon after she begins adapting to the language, and grows more hair, she is treated well. She begins to love the sanatorium and dreads to have to leave now that she no longer has tuberculosis. I can reflect about Anita loving the sanatorium because she has been through so many hardships and she finally settled down in a place where people care for her now.
The Note and Notice I chose is Memory Moment. A memory moment given in the book is when she being rescued and food is being given to her as well as a treat of chocolate. Well she remembers before the war of herself eating chocolate and her fathers chocolate factory. She remember her father telling her she’d study somewhere good in Sweden so she could take over her factory. But that was before the war and she was just remembering.